sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

Conteúdos - 7 ano

Hello Students!
Deem uma olhadinha nos conteúdos que iremos estudar durante todo esse ano:

Primeiro Trimestre: Days of the week; Colors; Verb To Be; Demonstrative Pronouns; Rooms of the house; Can/Can't; Future Going to; Present Continuous; Possessive Pronouns; Simple Present (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms); Indefinite article; Past of To Be (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms); Preposition of time; Ago; The weather; Seasons; Some adjectives; Countries; Verb To Be Born; Simple Past of regular verbs (affirmative form); Nationalities and Languages; Make an invitation; Clothes; Past Continuous (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms); Object Pronouns; Blog languages; Simple Past of regular verbs; Words about past; Expressions of agreement.

Segundo Trimestre: Famous writers; Types of books; Past of regular verbs (negative and interrogative forms); Pieces of books; Friendship; Possessive Pronouns Genitive Case; Restaurant (appetizers; main dishes, drinks and desserts); Menu; Can/Could for request; Dialog Simple Past of irregular verbs (affirmative form); Verbs related to cooking; Recipes; Countries from United Kingdom; The definite article (the); Vocabulary about flying; Some British Landmarks; Simple Past of irregular verbs (negative and interrogative forms).

Terceiro Trimestre: Places to go traveling; Comparision of adjectives (equality, superiority and inferiority); Antonyms and Synonyms; Behaving at another countries; Adjectivies; Giving advices (Should/Shouldn't); Heteronyms; Sports; Objects from sports; Superlative of Adjectives (superiority); Pictogram; Verbs Play, Go, Do with sports; Comic book; Future Will X Going to; Reduction Will; Reflexive Pronouns; Time expressions (present, future and past).

Poderão ocorrer mudanças com os conteúdos dentro dos trimestres, as quais serão avisadas anteriormente.

Espero vocês.

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